As you might be able to tell, there's a gap between the first Chile post and the most recent entry about Patagonia. What happened in the meantime? Well, here's some photos to update you all on just that.
17 marzo
w/ my host family in the Plaza de Yumbel |
a service for San Sebastián |
mote con huesillo (basically wheat/barley in peach juice) |
host fam |
18 marzo
the view from forestales |
Araucaria (araucana?) |
view from EULA (the other building where I have classes), I |
view from EULA, II (in the direction of forestales but you can't see it) |
19 marzo
you bet your booty I found a natural foods store |
21 marzo
22 marzo
office job (internship, but same diff) |
another view from EULA |
in el parque de los dinosaurios |
drunk panda |
(in Penco, btw, which is where Concepción was originally located) |
these chicas hung out with us |
Elízabeth gave them some cookie bits |
23 marzo
Festival Internacional de Innovación Social |
24 marzo
taking Odie to la U |
dance class in el foro |
25 marzo
after-work taco (traffic jam) |
26 marzo
27 marzo
28 marzo
he really shouldn't be on the bed, but dang he's cute... |
29 marzo
30 marzo
*Apologies in advance because I was stupid and didn't bring a spare battery and my camera battery was almost dead, so most of these are low-quality phone pics. (I tried to save the battery for the ocean pics.)
visiting Lota, a mining town |
yep, we had a mine tour |
Parque de Isidora Cousiño (the matriarch? of the family that owned the mines) |
more Araucaria |
can you see the ocean through the trees? |
el faro (lighthouse) |
31 marzo
someone got a haircut |
there was a wake for a neighbor of the abuela |
1 abril
the "quiet study zone" in forestales |
office view 2 |
2 abril
happy pup after a walk |
3 abril
no idea what class this is or why |
this is the kinda shit that breaks my heart |
a different view from forestales |
5 abril
I presented at this seminar for my internship |
Kevin (who I mentioned in the Patagonia post), for his internship, had to travel to Concepción for the same seminar I was presenting at - he's studying in Santiago, and he also goes to Midd. Anyway, since I'm the only other person from the program in Concepción, he asked if I could show him around the couple days he was in the city, and after Friday's seminar (and my afternoon class), I decided we could go to San Pedro de la Paz to see the ocean (because in all the time he's been in Santiago, he hasn't had the chance to go to the coast or really see any water - and he's from L.A., so, it makes sense that he's used to it). And so began our (mis)adventure...
the micro we got on went to the wrong side of town |
kind of seems like a wasteland |
but, hey, we finally found the beach! |
they were some fierce waves |
can't miss the sunset (even if that means you get back to Concepción when it's dark) |
6 abril
where I've seen two orchestra concerts so far |
got started on some braids...? |
7 abril
tried to give him one, too |
more worth it than doing homework, I must say |
8 abril
9 abril
a very cute excuse to not do homework |
10 abril
braids (?), v.2 |
Hope you enjoyed the update! I will be back soon to catch you up on what's happened since Patagonia. Until then...
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