Sunday, November 22, 2020

The Pixel 4a: Some Photography Examples

I recently bought a new phone, and one of the features I was most adamant about was its camera. After a plethora of reviews on the Google Pixel phones taking some of the best photos known to smartphones, I decided on the Pixel 4a. Its camera may not have the most megapixels or several different lenses, but apparently the Google photo software is unbeatable. So, without further ado, here are some examples of the Pixel 4a in action. (There are some PicsArt edits included, and these are labelled - I have also added some direct comparisons with my old phone, the LG Rebel 3, which appear as side-by-side collages.)

November 6
view from the apartment where I'm living with my boyfriend

closing shift at Annapurna's

the Promenade at night

Central Ave

November 7
opening shift

a selfie in "portrait mode"

Heritage Hills Park (throwback to this post)

it sometimes cuts off more than it should

November 8

here it completely erased my earbuds

our local weatherman ran for senate (he lost)

it works better on things with clear edges

portrait mode

no portrait mode

here it fucked up

PicsArt edit

PicsArt edit

PicsArt edit

PicsArt edit

PicsArt edit

November 9
library "book" sculptures

November 10
at Scalo, a fine-dining Italian restaurant

a surprise spot for some vegan food

November 12

Scalo's bar

November 13

November 15
goddamn, look at them waffles

Hope you enjoyed seeing some new photos, and now I (theoretically) won't have to apologize anymore for including phone pics in my posts because the quality has definitely improved. Stay safe everyone, and have a good Thanksgiving.