
Saturday, July 20, 2019

Subiendo (ascending) el campanil

I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to go up inside the campanil on my last weekend in Concepción. They haven't hosted tours/visits of it for over a decade, but because it is the centenario, or 100-year anniversary of the university, they've opened up this monument; and, given we were the international students of the "generación centenario," they organized a day just for us to visit.


check out these panos in full screen!

Since the tour ended pretty early, Elízabeth and I met up for lunch, then went to visit el Cerro Amarillo in the center of town.

weekend fair in la Plaza Perú

el Cerro Amarillo

winter blooms

*I was not responsible for writing this

 The last Chile-related post will be about my trip to Valparaíso - coming soon!

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