
Thursday, July 25, 2019

Viaje a Valparaíso

I spent my last weekend in Chile visiting the city of Valparaíso, which lies to the west of the capital, Santiago, on the coast. It is a very popular tourist destination, as I found out in my couple days there: for good reason? I'll leave that for you to decide. (It does have a unique charm, undoubtedly.)

13 julio

el paseo yugoslavo

view from the hostel

los ascensores are both historical monuments (i.e., very touristy) and public transport

mural outside the hostel

stumbled upon this place for dinner... absolutely loved the coziness + cabin vibes

see how many times it says "vegana" on the menu?

found it on la calle Concepción, of course

this city is made up of various hills, or cerros

14 julio

lil Wilbur

riding down the ascensor (funiculars, technically, but they're known as elevators)

la armada de Chile in la Plaza Sotomayor (the main plaza)

monument of the Battle of Iquique

walking down la Avenida Brasil


some march happening

el Parque Italia

el Congreso Nacional

"protect the water today"

los ascensores

...pero no pierdas tu sur ;)

ascensor side by side with this long-ass staircase

(back in el Parque Italia)

the piano stairs

15 julio

Hope you enjoyed the pics from Chile! See you soon!

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