Saturday, August 18, 2012

I Say That I Play Five Instruments...

...and it's a complete lie. True, I play them, but I don't play those instruments well. I'm pretty sure that well is a minimum requirement to be able to say definitively that you play them. The only instrument I'm remotely close to playing well is the clarinet, and I'm hardly okay on that at times. The saxophone is a similar situation. The guitar is just based off my own compositions and YouTube lessons, similar with the piano and ukulele.

But really? When I say I play an instrument like the piano, it's more likely I'm talking about the Piano Perfect app on my Android than my keyboard I've had since I was one. It's not like I can play Beethoven symphonies or Mozart concertos, but I can play my own compositions. Pretty much the criteria for me being able to play any instrument at all is being able to write and play a song on it.

Anyhow. Piano Perfect. This song is titled "Tear Waltz", and I did in fact learn how to play it on an actual piano (though it came out sounding very amateur). Well, it's a song only good for a piano application, I guess.

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