Sunday, August 19, 2012

Pic a Day - 8/13 to 8/19

This is likely to be one of the last organized "Pic a Day" posts. Obviously with school my picture posts will be infrequent, and most likely I won't get a picture every day for the rest of the year. It's possible that winter break will be the restart for constant posts, but I don't know of any of that yet. Anyway, thanks for looking and enjoy this week's post.
Mon. Aug 13, obsessed with the cute band-aid smiley face I drew
Tues. Aug 14, bathroom photo shoots are the best
Wed. Aug 15, jumping jacks for the heck of it
Thurs. Aug 16, excited much?
Fri. Aug 17, homework already
Sat. Aug 18, this is what Pink Floyd does to you
Sun. Aug 19, listening to vinyl

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