Monday, September 10, 2012


Why does everyone all of a sudden have green eyes? Okay, it's not that they all of a sudden have different colored eyes, but I've been looking on and off these past weeks, and more and more people are coming out with green eyes. Never emerald or forest green, obviously, but sea green, or light green, or greenish-blue, or greenish-brown-hazel. I don't know, man, I always thought it was brown... Still, being with the people that have brown eyes reminds me that it's nice to have this eye color. Boring, but nice. 'Cause it's not so cliche anymore, green! HA!!

I don't dislike people with green eyes for any reason. I'm just saying, it's such a cliche eye color for novels (the nonexistent shades of green, anyhow), and I never thought anyone had green eyes in real life. And what about the people with green-blue eyes? What did they ever write when they were kids?

Just wondering peeps. If you've got green eyes, comment on this post. 

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