Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Good Days

There are many days of my school year that I like. There are some I go through with neither care nor complaint. There are a few days I barely tolerate, because I absolutely dislike them to their core. But, there are those rare days which I love. Days, perhaps, where a teacher, the one who usually jokes, says he likes your smile and you know at that moment he's not joking. When you keep making eye contact with a teacher to "get them to call on you", and then after class they tell you that you did a good job (they don't like to see you so quiet). When you see a low B on your math test and don't even care, because you knew you really rushed through on it and didn't even pay attention to any numbers but the ones on your wristwatch. When you play in band and everybody's back and it's crazy and silly and completely unproductive but FUN. When, after school, the girl who is two grades below you who was in your Spanish class and has now become your friend seeks you out in the library and gives you a hug. And, maybe, when you go to eighth period P.E. and your arms and legs spasm and you feel weak and shuddery everywhere, but you got to see the guy you like make a fool of himself, and it was adorable.

Frankly, this isn't a love day. This is just a "like" day. The second day of school may have been a love day, or any of the ones before this excluding the first (it was hardly decent, to cut a long story short). But hey, even the like days are good days. I like the like days. They revive my spirit and fill me with youthful academic energy and I can smile and laugh and maybe talk to an unfamiliar acquaintance or two and go home and say I enjoyed it. When I look ahead and say, "Holy jeez, I'll surely be spending the rest of my life in a school or a prison", I can safely exclude prison and not look towards the school life with as much dread.

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