Friday, January 18, 2013

Postulates and Theorems

No, not really. You don't have to worry about a geometry post. I'm just in a wacko math mood today, so excuse the fact that I'm incredibly math-hyper.

Mostly, this post goes along with "theorems." Every so often, I will randomly come up with an idea or theory - that I accept without scientific proof, connecting to the "postulate" part - about life and its regular circumstances. I have several now, but I will only (if I can restrain myself) list what I claim to be the most fitting, the ones the populace can connect with the most, and the most reasonable.

  • Harmonica wizardry
  • Theory of lifelong infancy
  • Common-sense logic
  • Non-simile

I would have provided each with its short definition, but aside from harmonica wizardry (defined simply as Bob Dylan), they likely need to each be focused on in more detail and with more explanation. So, sometime over this three-day holiday weekend, I will get back to this topic, and there will follow a part two explaining those four, and maybe more.

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