Sunday, January 27, 2013

Postulates and Theorems Part II

Yes, I know this is long past the end of the three-day weekend. I totally blew this off to Minecraft and other unproductive delights like those.

Anyhow, back to the idea of the unprovable theories. Well, some of them I can actually prove.

Harmonica Wizardry
In basic words, Bob Dylan. Some artists like Neil Young and whoever else may try to imitate Dylan's style, but they'll never be true harmonica wizards.

Theory of Lifelong Infancy
This theory states that "we are infants inside bodies of different maturation." Now, that's not to say that none of us have matured intellectually, because that's not the theory. I've found, recently, that I become randomly fascinated with the most irrelevant of things. People's noses, for instance, or ears - things that could be fascinating to babies. When I wake up on weekends, I will lie and roll over in bed as I believe a baby will do. Sometimes I revert to crawling through the house (though, frankly, it's not an efficient mode of transportation). Basically, this theory describes the instances where we look out the world with new eyes, where we remember things that captured us when we were infants, and how sometimes we can mentally feel like we are at that physical stage of development.

Common-sense Logic
"The knowledge that certain actions will have certain definitive reactions." It combines "common sense" with basic "logic."

This one is one of my favorites. "When you start to describe something, but then you say, 'It's not like that.'" An example would be, "You know like when you get that amped-up adrenaline feeling as you start to fall? It's not like that."

And, we'll add in another one that I wonder about:
Multi-sense Comprehension
"Needing to have one sense in full availability to be able to access another." I find that I will need to take bulky headphones off to be able to smell the stew on the stove, but one most people will probably connect with is having your nasal passageways open to be able to taste the food you're eating. (Colds, you know.)

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