Sunday, June 30, 2013

Pic a Day - 6/24 to 6/30

Mon. June 24, weeding the xeric gardens
Tues. June 25, "Foreigner Suite", line by line
Wed. June 26, bedtime-snuggle photo shoot
Thurs. June 27, Patch's name sign (horse with a "p" hand)
Fri. June 28, at the movies (The East)
Sat. June 29, sixteenth anniversary
Sun. June 30, my summer reading exam

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Pic a Day - 6/17 to 6/23

Mon. June 17, sketching
Tues. June 18, popcorn and a movie
Wed. June 19, my dad's secret man-cave behind the fridge (shhh)
Thurs. June 20, shirtless for the heat
Fri. June 21, my pretty much all-time favorite sign in ASL
Sat. June 22, graduation part-ay (not mine)
Sun. June 23, out for lunch

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Hey everybody! My book, Extant, has been published and is now available for sale right here!

This is the same book I was talking about back in November when I posted about NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). Asteroid headed for the earth, the scientists save humankind by setting up these airships and head out into space for the only planets they think they can inhabit. Well, I've written a "blurb" for it, and here it is:

The year is 2026. Amidst a new technological society, a meteor heads straight for the Earth, threatening everything the humans have. People are divided by region and sent out into space on airships, headed for the Alpha Centauri galaxy. On the airship, the only task of the people is to keep the population at safe levels. However, a baby born to one couple is deemed an expendable due to supposed mental disabilities from a spinal deformation and "demoved" via shuttlepod. 

A little more than a decade later, the child crash-lands on a planet inhabited by the strange Bartok people, intelligent human-sized insects adept at technology. Adopted under the wing of the widespread leader, Deshen, she learns from his rebel daughter about a battle brewing just under her nose, sparked by the rebellion of Deshen's woods-dwelling brother, Botten. As she advances in the Bartok school, she becomes an inextricable part of the plans laid down by the anti-war group that Deshen's daughter is a part of, as well as the small forest clan community.

If you're interested, or if, down the road, you read it and like it, PLEASE pass this on to your friends and family. Thank you so much, and if you're interested in reading, enjoy!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Pic a Day - 6/10 to 6/16

Mon. June 10, Shakespearean violence
Tues. June 11, leftovers mash-up (potatoes, navy beans, and collard greens)
Wed. June 12, sprained ankle
Thurs. June 13, creating my own Shakespearean insults
Fri. June 14, television painters
Sat. June 15, my super-protein snack of garbanzo beans
Sun. June 16, Father's Day

Monday, June 10, 2013

Single-Serving Vegan: Creamy Broccoli Soup

1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 small onion, diced
1 clove garlic, minced (optional)
sprinkle of ground nutmeg
1 cup veggie broth
1 cup water
1/6 cup rolled oats
1 broccoli crown, cut

Heat olive oil in a large saucepan over medium-low heat. Add onion; cook until soft (about 5 minutes). Add a pinch of ground nutmeg; cook until fragrant (about 30 seconds). Stir in garlic (if used), veggie broth, water, oats, and broccoli. Season with salt and pepper. Bring to a boil; reduce heat to low. Cover and simmer until broccoli is tender (10-15 minutes), stirring occasionally. Blend soup. Add more salt and pepper, if desired.

Serving Suggestion:
This soup is great to dip saltines or bread into. You may also drink the soup to avoid getting as many floret bits in your teeth.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Pic a Day - 6/3 to 6/9

Mon. June 3, my book's getting published! (all the details on a later post)
Tues. June 4, serious revision notes
Wed. June 5, the moment in my week right before Parkour
Thurs. June 6, vacation to WalMart
Fri. June 7, the metro dust storm (called a haboob, don't ask)
Sat. June 8, when he behaves, they're all friends
Sun. June 9, "do you and your bud rock out to the same artists?" 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Single-Serving Vegan: Garlic Green Beans

a handful of green beans (Literally a handful. I went to the produce section and just picked out several legumes of my liking, so there is no limit to how much or little you can use.)
1 clove of garlic
olive oil

Rinse and cut the green beans (first the ends, and if you want you can cut the beans into segments of relatively equal and short length). Set a pot on the stove, half-full with water, and bring to a boil. Add green beans to water and watch for when they turn a brighter shade of green. Drain the green beans and set aside.
Smash and mince the garlic. Drizzle some olive oil into a non-stick pan (put on medium heat). Add garlic. Saute garlic until sizzling, then add green beans, still sauteing. Drizzle more olive oil, and add salt and pepper to your liking.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Pic a Day - 5/27 to 6/2

Mon. May 27, looking at idle turntables
Tues. May 28, he jumps whenever he sees me
Wed. May 29, a skiing potato
Thurs. May 30, afternoon drive
Fri. May 31, Shakespeare and popsicles
Sat. June 1, at the movies (saw Epic)
Sun. June 2, posing to look strong so I can lounge around and be lazy instead
"Lady, shall I lie in your lap?
No, my lord.
I mean, my head upon your lap?
Ay, my lord.
Do you think I meant country matters?" Hamlet, 3.2.119-123

Epic was a pretty cute movie. It started out with just enough pain and turmoil to keep you riveted. As the story progressed, you felt sad for some characters who had lost the only thing they loved, humored by other characters who were only ever inclined to screw up, and encouraged by characters thrown into this mystical, make-believe forest world dependent entirely on balance against their will. Some big-name voices were Colin Farrell, Josh Hutcherson, Amanda Seyfried, Beyonce Knowles, Steven Tyler, and Pitbull. This movie had enough childish humor to keep the kids giggling, but it also spoke to the hearts of the deeper-thinking watchers, whether older or just more mature. 

Also, if you enjoy looking at pictures on this blog, you may like my other blog, One Thing That I Love Today. I think you'll find it's a lot simpler and more straightforward even than this.