Friday, June 7, 2013

Single-Serving Vegan: Garlic Green Beans

a handful of green beans (Literally a handful. I went to the produce section and just picked out several legumes of my liking, so there is no limit to how much or little you can use.)
1 clove of garlic
olive oil

Rinse and cut the green beans (first the ends, and if you want you can cut the beans into segments of relatively equal and short length). Set a pot on the stove, half-full with water, and bring to a boil. Add green beans to water and watch for when they turn a brighter shade of green. Drain the green beans and set aside.
Smash and mince the garlic. Drizzle some olive oil into a non-stick pan (put on medium heat). Add garlic. Saute garlic until sizzling, then add green beans, still sauteing. Drizzle more olive oil, and add salt and pepper to your liking.

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