Sunday, December 22, 2013

Pic a Day - 12/16 to 12/22

Mon. Dec 16, this picture is hilarious and weird because I was just hurling a tennis ball in the air and quickly hitting the shutter button to try and get a picture, because my Samsung Galaxy (player) takes the slowest pictures
OTTILT: last-minute creativity
Tues. Dec 17, yep.
OTTILT: being everyone's Secret Santa
Wed. Dec 18, my little stuffed-animal class is also taking finals :(
OTTILT: studying with the smart kids
Thurs. Dec 19
OTTILT: crocheting craze
Fri. Dec 20, my first crochet project ever! I'm giving them to myself as a Christmas present!
OTTILT: my Hermes/aviator slippers
Sat. Dec 21, solstice festivity
OTTILT: setting up luminaria
Sun. Dec 22, Maria being hilarious, begging me to take photos for my blog and then totally, awesomely photo-bombing them (it's actually Molly's party; she's second from the right, opening presents)
OTTILT: chill, bowling-alley parties

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