Sunday, December 15, 2013

Pic a Day - 12/9 to 12/15

(My excuse for this week's pictures being less-than-totally awesome is because I was sort of studying for finals. Sort of. And starting tomorrow will be more studying, and Wednesday through Friday will be the actual midterms and Saturday and Sunday I will be brain-dead and watching YouTube and Netflix. But, week after next I will get to you some more predictably awesome photos for this blog. Thanks for keeping up, even through the hard and boring weeks, everybody. It's crazy that you would look at pictures of writing for fun, but if you like it, I like it, and I like you. Not to be creepy or anything. Okay, on to pictures now.)

Mon. Dec 9, drawing awesome rainbow bar graphs for a biology lab
OTTILT: way too much awesomeness for the public to handle
Tues. Dec 10, browsing through the fiction section in this month's issue of TeenInk
OTTILT: "Troika"
Wed. Dec 11, fall-ish winter
OTTILT: taste-test reviewing
Thurs. Dec 12, my new and cool way to study for history
OTTILT: Gene Wilder in "The Young Frankenstein"
Fri. Dec 13, Spanish vocabulary on Quizlet
OTTILT: drawing a little Jason Voorhees mask next to the date on Friday the 13th
Sat. Dec 14, I found a nice collection of used treasures at the book sale
OTTILT: rereading books from your childhood
Sun. Dec 15, when I go to the grocery store, I practice juggling in the baby food/OTC medication aisle
OTTILT: young trees that tower over you

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