Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Regreso a Lirquén / Lirquén, pt. II

As promised, here is Lirquén, pt. II: in which we return to Lirquén and I am determined to get to that mysterious casa en la selva, shown below as a reminder.

(first visit, April 19th)
 20 mayo (May 20th) ~ bonus: some pictures taken by Elízabeth of me

(not in Lirquén, but I think it's cool)

this rock island/peninsula is called Playa La Cata

I feel like I'm on another planet, but in the best possible way

rock nest?

drank an herbal tea made from boldo a while back...

the story of Menoko continues (not really, this was basically the last bit)

fallen tree memories... not that we ever would have had to cut this one, but still

classic candid of me stuffing my face :P

not the house, but... something

after two hours, we finally got there

Elízabeth took this picture of our fluffy, bear-like walking companion
sadly, I discovered afterwards that it's a restaurant? WTF I feel so cheated

Hope you enjoyed! Stay tuned for more pics!

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