Sunday, March 25, 2018

Pic a Day - 3/19 to 3/25

Mon. Mar 19, sun over the snow-covered fields

Tues. Mar 20, chair sketches

Wed. Mar 21, upstairs in the library

Thurs. Mar 22, reflection

Fri. Mar 23, this corner of campus may as well be a foreign country to me

Sat. Mar 24

Sun. Mar 25, lookout

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Pic a Day - 3/12 to 3/18

Mon. Mar 12, ASL movie night viewing the infamous Black Sand

Tues. Mar 13, snow like stars

Wed. Mar 14, the mid-March return of winter

Thurs. Mar 15, suspended

Fri. Mar 16, pin-ups for our architecture project

Sat. Mar 17, I love finding kids' art left behind at the craft table

Sun. Mar 18, short-story writing

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Pic a Day - 3/5 to 3/11

Mon. Mar 5, I do spend a lot of time here, don't I?

Tues. Mar 6, site planning for an architecture project

Wed. Mar 7, snacking on chocolate

Thurs. Mar 8, snowy world, pt. I

Fri. Mar 9, snowy world, pt. II

Sat. Mar 10, found this sweet gem in the library (a "young author" unofficial publication)

Sun. Mar 11, after-dinner sunset out the window of Xenia

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Pic a Day - 2/26 to 3/4

Mon. Feb 26, wall notes

Tues. Feb 27, this week's craft at the library

Wed. Feb 28, drinking the sky

Thurs. Mar 1, far-off flame

Fri. Mar 2, winter's return

Sat. Mar 3, crane island

Sun. Mar 4, had this lounge to myself while my laundry was washing downstairs