Friday, June 19, 2020

CCC + South Crest Trail

The South Crest Trail goes up to a peak at the southern end of the Sandia mountain range; the CCC trail, which my dad and I discovered back in 2017, is a somewhat unofficial trail connecting to the aforementioned path that goes straight up the side of the mountain (which is to say it's shorter, but a lot steeper). My dad and I hiked it again last week, on June 13th.

baby tree friends

friendly neighborhood strip mine

if you can even tell, this is Travertine Falls

not sure what or why, but they're fun to find

horny toad #1

horny toad #2

this was a new one for us (hell yeah, Grover Cleveland represent)

we claimed a picnic spot at the south South Sandia Peak

the real South Sandia Peak

yeah, it's definitely real :( what happened to Joan of Arc