public art by my aunt |
more of my aunt's art |
Mango in the garden |
Vinnie's shadow |
American redstart |
magnolia warbler |
Baltimore oriole |
indigo bunting |
yellow-bellied sapsucker |
Eastern phoebe |
Max, questioning |
Yuki |
Clark County State Lake |
European starling |
New Mexico
hanging out with my brother & furry niblings
Kaya |
goats on a stroll, downtown ABQ |
Kris & Sami |
Gromit & Kris |
Jimmy |
Sami |
basically the cutest picture of all time |
photoshoot in downtown ABQ |
back to 35mm (scans to come) |
starling |
Eurasian collared-dove |
Jeremy, fire-juggling |
birds in the desert
black-throated sparrow |
thrasher |
flycatcher* |
can you spot the dog? |
possibly a western kingbird? |
house finch |
white-winged dove |
hiking the Tesuque Creek Ridge Loop
white-breasted nuthatch |
flycatcher |
magpies |
hiking the Clear Creek Loop
woodpecker |
chipping sparrow |
yellow-rumped warbler |
gray-headed dark-eyed junco |
the trail became a flooded bog for a good portion |
yellow-rumped warbler (Audubon's) |
ruby-crowned kinglet |
chipping sparrow |
western tanager |