Sunday, April 10, 2011


Well, I think the title of this post is enough to tell you that this time, I'm having a serious issue.
Not like, "Oh, poor me, I have no friends", but like, "Oh crap, what the ---- just happened".
I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Well, big secret, more like it. I haven't told anyone yet. -sigh- It's terrifying, but maybe you guys can help.
I lost one of my toads. No, really, I can't find him. I was videotaping the tank this morning, the little coconut where they usually hide until it's dark enough for them, but they weren't coming out. I figured, oh, they're probably asleep or something. But then I lifted it up and I only saw one toad. I put it back down and told myself, "Okay, Pinto's probably somewhere in the tank..." So I looked under the heater, but, no Pinto. That's when I started panicking. He wasn't anywhere in the tank, and he wasn't climbing up the side like he did a few times.
So I looked outside the tank. And, in this flower pot, I saw something that looked to be him, but I was afraid to look at it closely. No, it wasn't him, but it took me a while to figure that out.
And now, I don't know what I'm going to say when we clean out the tank and my dad asks, "Well, where's the other one?" Because I won't know. Unless he happens to be buried under the moss, I don't know where he is or could be. My other toad, Garbanzo, kept poking a little bit of his head out of the coconut, and I started telling him "Sorry buddy, I don't know where he is" and "If I could speak your language, I'd ask you where he went" but he just disappeared back into the house and then poked out again and then disappeared. I always thought he hated Pinto, but maybe he's just as afraid for the little amphibian's sake as I am.

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