Sunday, April 17, 2011

I Guess You Should Know Now How I Love Talking About "Friends"

Well, that should be made obvious by the number of posts that include me yammerin' on about my so-called "friends", but whatever, and deal with it. This is my blog, not yours. 
Anyway, so, we've already established that friends are pretty darn worthless, am I right? Maybe I didn't, but anyway, besides the point, let's just say we have if we haven't, and that we have if we have, right? Lying is okay, especially on the internet. It saves you from a lot. But anyway, back to the spiel about friends. Ahem. SO, I find them to be pretty darn worthless, since they're your friend for only about five minutes until they realize they don't want the association and run off to another friend. Or, they run past with their other friend, shout out something they find to be hilarious, laugh, and run off to tell someone else. I mean, I don't want to seem all weepy weepy, but I've been used by two out of three friends. Or, two point five out of every three friends. But anyway, more friends have been using me than actually being friends with me. I mean, they don't care about your feelings period. My friend that runs off laughing with her other friend, Anna, I think I called her before, or something, she doesn't care at all. She just uses me for a laugh. Or to test her new jokes. She doesn't actually care if you're pissed, and if you were pissed at her, she would just be like "um... well then" and then make a joke out of it to tell her OTHER friends. And, weird thing is, I had a dream where she looked into my eyes, and I saw her concern towards me and my situation. I was thinking, not true, never gonna happen, because she doesn't give a COW'S BEHIND for feelings other than her own.  Once again, I'm just experimentation, and Anna's not sure she likes what she's found.
Next one, Jane. Well, you've already heard about her and Jill, right? So I don't have to repeat it over again? Well, good, 'cause I don't want to. Cliffnotes are basically that she's always seen with Jill when not with me, and it hurts. The end. Oh, poor me, but don't feel bad. Actually, I'd like it if you scorned me because your life was the same and you didn't complain. So please scorn.
Next one, is new, we'll call her Denna. (And, don't ask where I got the name. It just came up, like a week ago.) She doesn't really ditch me, since we're both similar and have the same problems, and I find her to be one of the more loyal ones, actually. Sometimes I spill my heart out to her and she listens quietly, and then we'll talk about taking over the world and making the remaining humans our slaves like we always do. (Note to viewers: None of the stuff we talk about will actually happen, but kids are allowed to fantasize.) I never see her run off to another friend; in fact, I've kind of been wondering if she actually HAS any other friends to run off to. Every time she's not with me and I happen to see her, she's by herself. It kind of makes me feel bad, but not really, because I would love it if I had the freedom to be by myself when I wanted, but no, the other "friends" of mine decide to hang out with me just at those times, those times when I want to be alone. And I HATE THEM FOR IT. God, I hate them all. Even Denna, who's innocent(or mostly.) Especially Rosa from the previous previous previous post where I blabbed about friends. GOD I HATE THEM ALL.
But, I want the few who may or may not read my blog to understand that I'm not lonely being alone. "Alone but not lonely; lonely but not alone." Some quote by someone I don't know and can't remember. I find it true to myself. And, I don't have to have friends to be happy. You know how I feel about them anyway. I have been enlightened, if you will, and now I am my best friend, and I'm totally happy with that. My logic for having myself be the one I count on is that, well, no one besides yourself actually cares about you, right? You care about yourself more than anyone ever will(unless you're Rosa... -spits-). If you are like me, you have found out how no matter who the person is, you can't count on them. If you do, you will be disappointed. More, but that's the easy way to put it. You are the only one for yourself, and we need to treat ourselves with more respect than we do. And, when you die, well, you'll die, but then you won't need yourself anymore. So, see how it works out? It works out perfectly, I think.

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