Monday, June 25, 2012

Jig-Saw Puzzle

Okay, who ever thought that a puzzle would be hard? I don't really mean like difficult hard, more like the kind of "takes you the whole day and you're sitting around starving and needing to pee but bored out of your freaking brains and you're actually watching Star Wars because you feel so brain-dead" hard. Serious. I decided at 11:15 a.m. to start a 500-piece Beatles collage jig-saw puzzle. Boy, was that a bad idea.
after one hour

after two hours

three hours

four hours

five hours


six hours

seven hours

eight hours

nine hours

finish - nine and three-quarters hours
Okay, wow. Ten hours. On a FREAKING PUZZLE! It probably would've taken me longer if ny mom hadn't helped the last two hours. But I mean, seriously, I could have slept off that time. Or read a few books. At least the heel of my right palm wouldn't be sore and my legs wouldn't be stiff and hurt so much. Yeah. So, for the three things I did today, it's gonna say "did a jig-saw puzzle", and the other two bullet points will be left blank. Thank you, puzzle manufacturers. I would like that twenty piece one with the kitten and the puppy in the grass now, please.

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