Thursday, December 6, 2012


Is it possible to get stood up on a study session? I mean, from the evidence I've collected regarding the situation, it wasn't intended that this person forgot to come study with me. But I still felt a bit stood up, especially since two periods later they talked to me like, oh hey, no big deal, if I make you grin like an idiot but act nonchalant about fifth, everything will be fine.

Okay, honestly, I'm seriously overreacting. I wasn't that mad when they didn't show. In fact (cruelly, but honestly), I expected that they wouldn't remember. And it's not the end of the world. It's just the final exams. I can very well study by myself. And who cares as long as that person's still talking to me. I do want to be social, after all.

If the person in question is reading my blog, I'll forgive you for forgetting to show up yesterday. No big deal, and yes, you still make me grin like a maniac even if you forget things.

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