Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Some Christmas Pictures

I apologize for spacing out on Sunday's Pic a Day post; I will be sure to share double this coming Sunday, the 30th.

So, our cousins drove in on Sunday evening and stayed through this morning. They didn't celebrate Christmas with us because they're Jewish, but I won't say that stopped us from having fun. 
Akiva and Ravi were getting into some serious rough-and-tumble wrestling and fighting - my brother the wimp was the one who got hurt, and not the adorable six-year-old little boy. Sad.
 Neshamah quickly became addicted to my Samsung Galaxy Player and watched pre-teen Disney TV shows all the live-long day. (Which, I'll let you in on a secret, was completely tolerable when she was cuddling with me in my bed.)
I was so unused to having little kids around. Our parents still let us watch Family Guy, and Neshamah and Akiva were drawn from their dinner to the screen, mostly fascinated because a) it was TV and b) it was animated. Aunt Lesil let them watch it only this once, and every time the rest of us laughed at something, the kids would look up at us with uncomprehending eyes. It was a Christmas episode retelling the story of Jesus, and when it showed Jewish people working, Akiva quickly piped up, "Those are Jews!" Basically, they repeated phrases from the show (and from the YouTube videos I subjected them to) that they understood.

 The most adorable things about these two kids: Akiva's speech impediment (he pronounced his k sounds as t's) and Neshamah's affection (she admitted "I like to cuddle"... and I could have cried my agreement).
 My brother really got along with Akiva, despite the injuries he claimed to have received from him. He was always picking him up and carrying him and playing with him on the DS and watching movies with him.

 These kids were curious and asked about everything; also, they asked for everything, which I was hesitant to refuse them, but I let their mom do that for me.

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