Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Message I Received on Twitter (& GA:BI Update)

So, recently I acquired a new follower on Twitter. 99% of the time, I have no idea who these people even are. (The 1% instance where I did was when my friend from school joined Twitter just recently and followed me. She's had the locker either above or next to me since middle school.) Anyway, I looked at the name, didn't recognize it; peeked at the mini-profile, and that combined with the profile picture made me think it was a pretty young guy. Not that young, but, younger than me, at least. I wondered if it was maybe someone I knew from parkour, but then dismissed the idea because how would they know my last name or even be able to find me on Twitter? (Or even remember that I exist? Most of the time I'm not at parkour; I've been solidly busy with history homework since two days ago. I know. Big surprise there.) So, as I normally do, I cheered silently that people were following me on Twitter, and not just relatives, and quickly forgot about it.

Today, however, when I was checking my four new interactions (my Galaxy has notifications that tell you when people mention and/or reply to you/your messages on Twitter and elsewhere), I noticed that this guy had sent me messages. I read them and was surprised by the mention of my book, and also of Mrs. Legendre (a teacher at my old elementary school). After I got past the surprise, I kept musing about how adorable these posts are. (The older one is on the bottom.)

My mom will be a substitute in John's class tomorrow, and will act as my spy. (Totally foolin', but I'm great at setting up spy missions. I did it back in November to investigate a comment about me made to the health teacher, who called me into her office. Anyway. My spy didn't find out who had said it; I did. Sad.) Anyway, she thinks maybe the school librarian at my old elementary school got a copy and that's how John found out about it. (The librarian had to deal with my friend and I begging to put our horse stories in the library back in third and fourth grade, so, maybe she figured I would keep writing? My mom thinks maybe she mentioned it (my writing a book) on the offhand in a class there or to the librarian. If we get any answers on that, I will get back to you.

For an update on Go Ahead: Be Inspired in reference to the piece I posted to TeenInk, titled "Tonight," I've been receiving emails. Mostly the usual: we've received your submission, and now it's online because we've approved it (as they do for all submissions). I did get an email saying it was voted #1 for fiction romance pieces yesterday at about 11 p.m. When I checked it today at 11 a.m., it was #3, but, hey, still top rated. Being any number is good.

Displaying 2014-01-08 11.37.01.jpg

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