Sunday, March 2, 2014

Pic a Day - 2/24 to 3/2

Mon. Feb 24
OTTILT: eerily accurate personality tests
Tues. Feb 25, the bloodstains look like hearts! (how appropriate)
OTTILT: pricking your finger & watching the blood bubble up
Wed. Feb 26
OTTILT: screwing with Siri
Thurs. Feb 27, our advisory group is so awesome we just make pancakes for the heck of it
OTTILT: semi-awkward encounters with pretty much total strangers
Fri. Feb 28
OTTILT: not being incredibly nervous on opening night
Sat. Mar 1, Sasha and Skye singing "People Will Say We're in Love"
OTTILT: seeing & greeting friends & classmates before & after a performance
Sun. Mar 2, finally the mac & cheese comes with breadcrumbs (even if they're gluten-free)
OTTILT: chatting with peeps on Skype

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