Jelelah is one crazy cat. She's seventeen in Animal World and a complete tomboy, participating in nearly every sport imaginable. And on boys' teams! She knows karate and isn't afraid to use it on you. She has six little brothers but they're all like friends to her. She tries dangerous things, even when she knows the consequences. She has two boys fighting over her back at home, but now that she's at college, she can be with her real boyfriend, Spot.
Patch is my sweet little baby horse. In Animal World, he's fifteen, and by AW standards, old enough to drive and have a car - he loves his Scion xB. He is both content to screw around with his closest brother in age, Lucky, and go wherever his sister Jelelah goes. He's had his heart broken by Layla the collie and Stephanie the sheep, but this does not stop him from doing what he wants to do. He is the best cuddler in the world, but don't let this fool you - he has those hooves for a reason.
Lucky(right) and Curly are the first set of Buschman twins. Thirteen in the Animal World, they just recently got their licenses to drive and were given Patch's old Toyota Prius. Much like their looks, these two are like day and night. Lucky is loud and outspoken, whereas Curly is shy and timid. Lucky is popular, but Curly gets made fun of. In the Buschman band "The Green Falcons", Lucky is the singer and Curly is the drummer. Lucky gets drooled on by girls and is being stalked by his ex Bianca; Curly is lucky enough to have found sweet little kangaroo Kanga to be his girlfriend.

Pongo(left) and Boomer share in behavior and personality what they do not necessarily share in looks. These twelve-year-old fraternal twins are both shy, polite and kind. Pongo is the quieter of the two, but when they have something to say, Boomer will always say it in a soft and thoughtful voice. Pongo is on his school swim team, but surprisingly enough, Boomer plays on the local football team. In their family band, Pongo plays the piano/keyboard and Boomer plays the cymbals. They travel together as an inseparable duo and mostly communicate with glances and ear flicks.
BoBo(right) and Beau are, strangely, identical while being opposite genders. BoBo(real name: Robart), eleven, often gets made fun of because of the nickname he goes by, but he's funny and a good sport and is generally affable and nice to everyone around him. His sister, the youngest of the family coming a few minutes after her twin brother, is self-absorbed and mostly interested in fashion and her closer girl friends.
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