Mon. May 27, looking at idle turntables |
Tues. May 28, he jumps whenever he sees me |
Wed. May 29, a skiing potato |
Thurs. May 30, afternoon drive |
Fri. May 31, Shakespeare and popsicles |
Sat. June 1, at the movies (saw Epic) |
Sun. June 2, posing to look strong so I can lounge around and be lazy instead
"Lady, shall I lie in your lap?
No, my lord.
I mean, my head upon your lap?
Ay, my lord.
Do you think I meant country matters?" Hamlet, 3.2.119-123
Epic was a pretty cute movie. It started out with just enough pain and turmoil to keep you riveted. As the story progressed, you felt sad for some characters who had lost the only thing they loved, humored by other characters who were only ever inclined to screw up, and encouraged by characters thrown into this mystical, make-believe forest world dependent entirely on balance against their will. Some big-name voices were Colin Farrell, Josh Hutcherson, Amanda Seyfried, Beyonce Knowles, Steven Tyler, and Pitbull. This movie had enough childish humor to keep the kids giggling, but it also spoke to the hearts of the deeper-thinking watchers, whether older or just more mature.
Also, if you enjoy looking at pictures on this blog, you may like my other blog,
One Thing That I Love Today. I think you'll find it's a lot simpler and more straightforward even than this.
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