Monday, July 2, 2012

Our TRUE Day of Independence

Yes it is. July 2nd. Google it.

In any case, I was more patriotic than usual. Not waving an American flag in anyone's face or anything, but, you know, dressed in the colors...

dressed all patriotic-like

eating Flaming Hot Cheetos

they were so hot I almost cried

And here's our celebration. Small. Quiet. Boring. The thunderstorm was more exciting than us. But, of course, that's how I always see it.

my favorite pic - I practically burned my thumb off

my dad lighting a firecracker thingamajig - the loudest thing, definitely

Yeah. Also, random note, today was our first day of rain this summer. Some pics of that...

just the random dry patches under the trees

And also...
A demented pretzel.

Thanks for looking. Happy Independence day everyone.

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