Monday, July 9, 2012

To John Lennon

You beautiful man. What else can I say? You were positively gorgeous, and that beauty didn't end at your face. As you matured, you learned to give and care, and grew to be irresistible in personality and character. Peace and love became your main goals, and you showed all of us this in your music and later activism.

It's not always easy to understand your motives for things, but the one thing about you that to this moment I continue to find a mystery are your eyes. At this, it's easy to think that maybe I can read your emotions through your eyes, and at times I can. Perhaps you emit a power through them that I can feel if I hold your gaze for long enough, and surely this is also true. But their color. I had always thought brown, but upon close inspection of the cover of a biography, they appeared almost green, and in some pictures they could pass as blue. I like to settle for the idea that they change, like you did, because you did change often as we all need to.

Something I appreciate that not everyone of your fans does or can was your love for Yoko. It sprouted in the most unlikely of ways, and it fought on through all of the tough spots in your relationship. You loved her every moment of every day, and gave her the opportunity to bring her music to our ears in a reasonable way. You fought for her, as any man should when they're lucky enough to have someone as creative and talented as Yoko, and for that I applaud both her and you.

There's something about your music that makes it more than just a melody with guitar chords and a predictable chorus. There's a pain behind it, the pain of experience, of living through the tough years you did, that I appreciate. I appreciate that you could project yourself in this way, and that we could know you on what seemed to be a more personal level.

The journey of your life and goal of peace was something that has inspired me since I knew. The tragedy of you being unfairly ripped from this world was something that I mourn even though I couldn't have stopped it. Your message of peace today would perhaps be what the world needed as a whole to get back on track. But your music hasn't disappeared. It hasn't disappeared, it never will, and "Imagine" will still be the anthem for world harmony for as long as music exists.

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